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Great Bear magmatic zone, canada.  Sample descriptions

h1274  Sample# 1768 Can0 GBMZ  1.0g  -420+200u  magnetics
G384  RON surface (barren)
black mg magnetite-haematite, trace serpentine, martite Fe-stone - barren

H1276  Sample# 1785 Can GBMZ  1.0g  -420+200
P-HM-3 crystal mountain, surface, giant qtz vein
Red-Bn matrix q-haem microbreccia, dacite tuff, with 5mm breccia fragments

H1277  Sample# 1770 Can GBMZ  1.0g  -420+200    magnetics
N-21 NICO hole NICO-96-13 at 367', Mt rich sulphidic ore, altered seds
green-black fine grained magnetite with grey sulphides

H1278  Sample# 1769 Can GBMZ  1.0g  -420+200    magnetics
MAR-2  MAR surface, mt cemented breccia
black mg mt-haem, planes of weathered silicates

H1279  Sample# 1771 Can GBMZ  1.0g  -420+200    magnetics
ZP-30  Sue-Diane SD-97-6 at 205.1m, mag cemented diatreme breccia
rd=bn mt-hm breccia, much cpy

H1280  Sample# 1772 Can GBMZ  1.0g  -420+200    magnetics
NICO-96-4  hole at 149.5'  mt rich ore,
black fg mt-hm, some S=

H1281  Sample# 1773 Can GBMZ  1.0g  -420+200    magnetics
HPN-1 Hump lake north-surface, barren ironstone
grey fine grain magnetite-silicate

H1285  Sample# 1773 Can0  0.91g  -420+200u     Non Magnetic fraction
HPN-1  Hump Lake North, surface    semi massive maag/haem
grey fine grained mt - silicates

H1286  Sample# 1774 Can0  1.0g  -420+200u     Magnetic fraction
STEW-1 Stew zone, surface  magnetite cemented breccia
gy/rd-bn mt - silicates

H1287  Sample# 1775 Can0  1.0g  -420+200u     Magnetic fraction
PL-1  Peanut lake  surface  iron stone
gy-gn/rd-bn mt  banded, fine grained

H1288  Sample# 1776 Can0  1.0g  -420+200u     Magnetic fraction
PL-2  Peanut lake  surface  iron stone
gy and rd-bn banded

H1289  Sample# 1776 Can0  1.0g  -420+200u     NON-Magnetic fraction
PL-2  Peanut lake  surface  iron stone
gy and rd-bn banded

H1290  Sample# 1777 Can0  1.0g  -420+200u     Magnetic fraction
DBX-5  NICO west, surface, mag cemented breccia
coarse red-bn breccia frags in black matrix

H1291  Sample# 1777 Can0  1.0g  -420+200u     NON-Magnetic fraction
DBX-5  NICO west, surface, mag cemented breccia
coarse red-bn breccia frags in black matrix

H1292  Sample# 1778 Can0  1.0g  -420+200u     Magnetic fraction
ZP-46  Sue-Dianne  SD-97 @ 316.4m   magnetite cemented breccia
grey hm-mt breccia

H1293  Sample# 1778 Can0  0.9g  -420+200u     NON-Magnetic fraction
ZP-46  Sue-Dianne  SD-97 @ 316.4m   magnetite cemented breccia
grey hm-mt breccia

H1294  Sample# 1779 Can0  1.0g  -420+200u     Magnetic fraction
ZP-32  Sue-Dianne  SD-97-6 @ 217.6m   silictae cemented magnetite with cpy
gy/rd-bn breccia with some cpy

H1295  Sample# 1779 Can0  1.0g  -420+200u     NON-Magnetic fraction
ZP-32  Sue-Dianne  SD-97-6 @ 217.6m   silictae cemented magnetite with cpy
gy/rd-bn breccia with some cpy

H1296  Sample# 1780 Can0  1.0g  -420+200u     Magnetic fraction
BOWL-96-4  NICo hole @ 264' Magnetite sulphide ore
banded gn-blk altered seds with much grey sulphide

H1297  Sample# 1780 Can0  1.0g  -420+200u     NON-Magnetic fraction
BOWL-96-4  NICo hole @ 264' Magnetite sulphide ore
banded gn-blk altered seds with much grey sulphide

H1298  Sample# 1781 Can0  1.0g  -420+200u
SPW-1 Summit peak west, surface
Coarse rd-bn mt cemented breccia, with S=

H1302  Sample# 1782  Can0 GBMZ  1.0gm  -420+200u
HLN-2  Hump Lake North, Surface  mag & hm metasediments, barren
med grained black specular hm cemented breccia

H1303  Sample# 1783  Can0 GBMZ  1.0gm  -420+200u
HLIS-1  Hump Lake Islands, Surface  haematitic skarn breccia, trace cpy
coarse red/bn and gy/gn breccia

H1304  Sample# 1784  Can0 GBMZ  1.0gm  -420+200u   MAGNETIC fraction
NBX-10  NICO surface, diatreme with minor mag, metased hosts, barren
Matrix dominant, grey matrix with rd-bn breccia frags, magnetics>nonmags

H1305  Sample# 1784  Can0 GBMZ  ***0.77gm***  -420+200u   NON-MAGNETIC fraction
NBX-10  NICO surface, diatreme with minor mag, metased hosts, barren
Matrix dominant, grey matrix with rd-bn breccia frags, magnetics>nonmags

H1306  Sample# 1786  Can0 GBMZ  1.0gm  -420+200u   MAGNETIC fraction
ZP-17 Sue Diane SD-97-6 at 122.2m depth, hm cemented breccia
Rd-Bn breccia frags in black matrix, mag fraction is black

H1307  Sample# 1786  Can0 GBMZ  1.0gm  -420+200u   NON-MAGNETIC fraction
ZP-17 Sue Diane SD-97-6 at 122.2m depth, hm cemented breccia
Rd-Bn breccia frags in black matrix, non-mag fraction is red-brown

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