Applied mineral exploration methods, hydrothermal fluids,
baro-acoustic decrepitation, CO2 rich fluids
Comparison samples description
** Comparison plot, Santiago FeOx poster in plot order **
H1310 Sample# 1940C Can0 Agrium 1.0g -420+200u MAGNETIC
Agrium mine, timmins district, mag/haematite in carbonatite
Grey nedium grained massive magnetite
F216 Sample#
Tennant Creek Warrego Gold ore, all magnetic, MUCH visible Au
Sample from Peko museum specimen
F192 Sample# GTC10
Tennant Creek, haematite, non magnetics, Burnt Shirt prospect
G1997 Sample# 1433A 0.5g -420+200u
Afton mine, BC
H179 Sample# 1332I Upper beaver, Can 1.0g -420+200u
fine grained chlorite/magnetite, very magnetic no S=
Main shaft area
H1346 Sample# 1723A US97 FeOx 1.0g -420+200u MAGNETICS
Mountain Pass, costean. V coarse feldspar-magnetite
Coarse black magnetite, mag seperates
H1302 Sample# 1782 Can0 GBMZ 1.0gm -420+200u
HLN-2 Hump Lake North, Surface mag & hm metasediments, barren
med grained black specular hm cemented breccia
h1274 Sample# 1768 Can0 GBMZ 1.0g -420+200u magnetics
G384 RON surface (barren)
black mg magnetite-haematite, trace serpentine, martite Fe-stone - barren
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