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H1494 Sample# 1834A Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200 Mags
El Laco Sur, next bench higher than base level bench Fine grain
black massive mt
H1496 Sample# 1833A Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200 Mags
El Laco Sur, lowest bench, main ore reserve Fine grain black
mt/haem, vugs, siliceous?
H1497 Sample# 1833B Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200 Mags
El Laco Sur, lowest bench, main ore reserve Fine grain black
mt/haem, vugs, siliceous?
H1498 Sample# 1833C Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200 Mags
El Laco Sur, lowest bench, main ore reserve Fine grain black &
rd-bn mt,hm. with vugs
H1499 Sample# 1833D Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200 Mags
El Laco Sur, lowest bench, main ore reserve Fine grain black
mt,hm. with vugs
H1500 Sample# 1833E Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200
El Laco Sur, lowest bench, main ore reserve Fine grain black mt,hm
with vugs, vitreous
H1501 Sample# 1833F Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200, Mags
El Laco Sur, lowest bench, main ore reserve Fine grain black mt,hm
with vugs, vitreous
H1502 Sample# 1833G Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200, Mags
El Laco Sur, lowest bench, main ore reserve Fine grain black mt,hm
with vugs, vitreous
H1503 Sample# 1833H Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200, Mags
El Laco Sur, lowest bench, main ore reserve Fine grain black mt,hm
with vugs, vitreous
H1504 Sample# 1833J Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200, Mags
El Laco Sur, lowest bench, main ore reserve Fine grain matt black
mt,hm no vugs
H1505 Sample# 1833K Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200, Mags
El Laco Sur, lowest bench, main ore reserve Fine grain matt black
mt,hm no vugs
H1506 Sample# 1833L Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200, Mags
El Laco Sur, lowest bench, main ore reserve Fine grain matt black
mt,hm no vugs
H1507 Sample# 1833M Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200, NON-Mags
El Laco Sur, lowest bench, main ore reserve Black & rd/bn
vitreous haem with vugs
H1508 Sample# 1833N Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200, NON-Mags
El Laco Sur, lowest bench, main ore reserve Matt Black & rd/bn
haem fractured, alteration selveges on fractures
H1509 Sample# 1833P Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200, Mag seperates
El Laco Sur, lowest bench, main ore reserve Matt Black & rd/bn
haem, no vugs
H1512 Sample# 1834B Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200u Mags
El Laco Sur mine, next bench up from lowest fine grianed black
massive mt. crystalline on one surface
H1513 Sample# 1834C Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200u Mags
El Laco Sur mine, next bench up from lowest fine grained black
vuggy mt with coarse crystals
H1514 Sample# 1834D Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200u Mags
El Laco Sur mine, next bench up from lowest fine grianed black
vuggy mt. with coarse crystals
H1515 Sample# 1834E Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200u Mags
El Laco Sur mine, next bench up from lowest fine grianed black
vuggy mt. remnant layering, coarse xtals
H1516 Sample# 1833P Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200u NON-Mags
El Laco Sur mine, lowest bench Non-Mag matt black and red-bn
haematite, no vugs
H1517 Sample# 1834F Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200u Mags
El Laco Sur mine, next bench up from lowest med grained black mt.
Crystals aligned perpendicular to layering
H1518 Sample# 1834G Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200u Mags
El Laco Sur mine, next bench up from lowest med/fine grained black
mt. Crystals strongly aligned perpendicular to layering
H1519 Sample# 1834H Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200u Mags
El Laco Sur mine, next bench up from lowest very coarse black mt.
H1520 Sample# 1834J Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200u Mags
El Laco Sur mine, next bench up from lowest very coarse black mt.
H1521 Sample# 1835A Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200u NON-Mags
El Laco Sur mine, top bench (1917 excavated), several intermed.
benches bypassed non mag red-blk vuggy, coarse grained mt/hm
H1522 Sample# 1835B Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200u NON-Mags
El Laco Sur mine, top bench (1917 excavated), several intermed.
benches bypassed non mag red-blk vuggy, coarse grained mt/hm
H1523 Sample# 1835C Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200u NON-Mags
El Laco Sur mine, top bench (1917 excavated), several intermed.
benches bypassed non mag red-blk vuggy, very coarse grained mt/hm
H1524 Sample# 1835D Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200u NON-Mags
El Laco Sur mine, top bench (1917 excavated), several intermed.
benches bypassed non mag red-blk coarse massive mt/hm
H1525 Sample# 1835E Chile ELL 1.5g -420+200u NON-Mags
El Laco Sur mine, top bench (1917 excavated), several intermed.
benches bypassed non mag red-blk mt/hm, 3 cm long columnar texture
h1535 Sample# 1836A ChileELL 1.5g -420+200 non-mags
El Laco Chile, North east area, outcrop on ridge, no diggings here
Black massive haem/magnetite, non mag
h1536 Sample# 1836A ChileELL 1.5g -420+200 Mags
El Laco Chile, North east area, outcrop on ridge, no diggings here
Black massive haem/magnetite, Mags
h1537 Sample# 1836B ChileELL 1.5g -420+200 Mags & non-mags
El Laco Chile, North east area, outcrop on ridge, no diggings here
Black vuggy haem/magnetite
h1538 Sample# 1836C ChileELL 1.5g -420+200 Mags
El Laco Chile, North east area, outcrop on ridge, no diggings here
Black vuggy haem/magnetite, weakly magnetic
h1539 Sample# 1836D ChileELL 1.5g -420+200 Mags
El Laco Chile, North east area, outcrop on ridge, no diggings here
Black vuggy haem/magnetite, magnetic with very coarse crystals
H1542 Sample# 1836E Chile ellaco 1.5g -420+200u MAGs
El Laco North east, outcrop on ridge, no diggings here Black hm/mt
with coarse crystals, magnetic
H1543 Sample# 1836F Chile ellaco 1.5g -420+200u MAGs
El Laco North east, outcrop on ridge, no diggings here Black
massive hm/mt, magnetic
H1544 Sample# 1837A Chile ellaco 1.5g -420+200u NON-MAGs
El Laco North west, no diggings here Black fine grained massive
hm/mt, minor porosity, non-magnetic
H1545 Sample# 1837B Chile ellaco 1.5g -420+200u MAGs
El Laco North west, no diggings here Black fine grained massive
hm/mt, porous, magnetic
H1546 Sample# 1837C Chile ellaco 1.5g -420+200u MAGs
El Laco North west, no diggings here Black fine grained massive
hm/mt, vugs, magnetic, minor xtal linings on cavities
H1547 Sample# 1837D Chile ellaco 1.5g -420+200u MAGs
El Laco North west, no diggings here Black coarse grained hm/mt,
intra xtal cavities, weakly magnetic
H1548 Sample# 1837D Chile ellaco 1.5g -420+200u NON-MAGs
El Laco North west, no diggings here Black coarse grained hm/mt,
intra xtal cavities, weakly magnetic