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An evaluation of fluid inclusion decrepitometry using quartz
form the Kingsgate molybdenite-bismuth deposits, New South
Wales, Australia
By: George Hladky & Ronald W. T. Wilkins
(CSIRO), 1987
A study has been made of the relationship between heating-freezing
stage and decrepitation data for fluid inclusions in 3 growth zones
of a large quartz crystal from Kingsgate, New South Wales,
Australia. It was found that the mean homogenization temperatures
can be estimated from the decrepitation data either by specific
corrections related to the known inclusion salinity (more precise)
or by general correction which is independent of salinity (less
Discrepancies of up to 30-40 °C exist between the actual and
estimated homogenization temperatures. Of the several possible
reasons for these discrepancies the most likely is that the
inclusion size affects the temperature of decrepitation.
It has been possible to show that heating stage homogenization
temperature data and decrepitation data for fluid inclusions are
closely correlated, confirming that the observed acoustic emission
does originate in the fluid inclusions. The correction procedures
used appear to be successful in deriving an approximate mean
homogenization temperature (Thm) from the mean decrepitation
temperature (Tdm) at least in those quartz samples in which most of
the inclusions are larger than the critical dimension of about 15
microns diameter.