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Humboldt sample descriptions

   *** Humboldt samples - in plot order ***
H1156  Sample# 1701A US97 Feox  1.0g  -420+200u  mag fraction
Beuna Vista mine, Humboldt complex, Nv.  stop 1
Large float of mt.  Coarse crstalline mt.

H1162  Sample# 1703A US97 Feox  1.0g  -420+200u  mag fraction
Beuna Vista mine, pit Sth face, Humboldt complex, Nv. 10' thick horiz mt vein
Med grained mt.

H1181  Sample# 1711B  US97 FeOx   1.0g  -420+200   Magnetics
Beuna Vista mine, Humboldt Nv. stop 12, Fract fluid flow zone, wall of large pit
Friable fine-med grain mag + silic

H1179  Sample# 1710B  US97 FeOx   1.0g  -420+200   Magnetics
Beuna Vista mine, Humboldt Nv.   west stop 7, end shoebox trench
Med grain mag + silic, From anorthosite stable zone

H1171  Sample# 1707A US97 Feox  1.0g  -420+200u
Beuna Vista mine, upper level pit floor, stop 3 Humboldt complex, Nv.
fine grained mt, some chlorite?

H1172  Sample# 1707B US97 Feox  1.0g  -420+200u
Beuna Vista mine, upper level pit floor, stop 3 Humboldt complex, Nv.
coarse grained mt.

H1177  Sample# 1709C  US97 FeOx   1.0g  -420+200   Magnetics
Beuna Vista mine, Humboldt Nv.  Pit floor, stop 7, trench
fine grain magnetite

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