Applied mineral exploration methods, hydrothermal fluids, baro-acoustic decrepitation, CO2 rich fluids
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Software used in Baro-acoustic decrepitation presentation and interpretation.

Although geology and mathematics are often uncomfortable partners, the baro-acoustic decrepitation data benefits greatly from graphical presentation software and some statistical methods. All of the interpretation is done on a Linux system, running the OpenSuse linux operating system, but the "colour" of linux (or even the operating system type) is largely unimportant. The main programs used are:
With the added python module, Scidavis was used for the first of the deconvolution plots. It does work, but can be tricky to drive and is critically dependent on the start parameters. The default start parameters fail to lead to convergence, so fitting must be done manually to allow more appropriate starting parameters to be set. In addition, it will by default allow the component populations to go negative, which is  unrealistic. This behavior has to be stopped with appropriate choice of settings before the curve fit is started. Normally, the inbuilt "automatic-fit" option automatically plots the individual component curves and the fitted curve as well as the original data curve. But when using manual fitting, the system no longer plots the component curves. Additional python code was written to read in the curve parameters and add these component curves to the final plot. This scripting also allows automated title and legend addition so the plots are of presentation standard. Although the software does eventually perform reliable and realistic curve fits, it is hard to drive and sometimes requires numerous attempts.  Scidavis was used for the curve fitting interpretation of the Brusson mine, Italy and the Malanjkhand mine, India. A much more convenient curve fitting program was subsequently found - fityk (see below).