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Tin greisen samples, erzgebirge, germany

H2452 Sample# 2129 ger10 0.5g -420+200u
beierfeld (schwarzenberg) from freiberg collection
transpaernt coarse hexagonal qtz crystals

H2453 Sample# 2130A ger10 0.5g -420+200u
zinnwald tin from freiberg collection
massive translucent pale gy qtz, xtal faces and trace Li mica

H2454 Sample# 2130B ger10 0.5g -420+200u
zinnwald tin from freiberg collection
coarse crystalline gy qtz with much cassiterite

H2455 Sample# 2131 ger10 0.5g -420+200u
Altenberg from freiberg collection
coarse gy qtz with trace molybdenite

H2456 Sample# 2132 ger10 0.5g -420+200u
Gottesberg from freiberg collection
cherty vitreous grey and pink quartz

H2457 Sample# 2134A ger10 0.5g -420+200u
ehrenfriedersdorf from freiberg collection
coarse semi translucent white qtz

H2458 Sample# 2134B ger10 0.5g -420+200u
ehrenfriedersdorf from freiberg collection
fractured coarse semi translucent white qtz, with cassitterite

H2459 Sample# 2135A ger10 0.5g -420+200u
Geyer binge greisen
coarse massive milky white qz

H2460 Sample# 2135B ger10 0.5g -420+200u
Geyer binge greisen
coarse milky pale grey qz

H2461 Sample# 2135C ger10 0.5g -420+200u
Geyer binge greisen
coarse milky pale grey qz

H2462 Sample# 2135D ger10 0.5g -420+200u
Geyer binge greisen
coarse milky pale grey qz

H2463 Sample# 2135E ger10 0.5g -420+200u
Geyer binge greisen
coarse milky pale grey qz

H2464 Sample# 2135F ger10 0.5g -420+200u
Geyer binge greisen
coarse milky pale grey qz

H2465 Sample# 2135G ger10 0.5g -420+200u
Geyer binge greisen
coarse milky pale grey qz

H2466 Sample# 2136A ger10 0.5g -420+200u
Geyer binge quartz vein within schist/gneiss
coarse milky pale grey qz

H2467 Sample# 2136B ger10 0.5g -420+200u
Geyer binge quartz vein within schist/gneiss
massive semi transl. beige vitreous qtz

H2468 Sample# 2133A ger10 0.5g -420+200u
Breitenbrunn (near schwarzenberg) Hammerunterwiesenthal (near cz border)
black very fine grained magnetite strongly magnetic

H2469 Sample# 2133B ger10 0.5g -420+200u
Breitenbrunn (near schwarzenberg) Hammerunterwiesenthal (near cz border)
red-black haematite - weakly magnetic only

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