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Mountain Pass, California. Sample descriptions

H1346  Sample# 1723A US97  FeOx  1.0g  -420+200u    MAGNETICS
Mountain Pass, costean. V coarse feldspar-magnetite
Coarse black magnetite, mag seperates

H1348  Sample# 1723A  US97 FeOx  1.0g  -420+200u  NON-Mag separates Feldspar
Mountain Pass, Ca.   costean, coarse feldspar-magnetite
Ver coarse white feldspar, some black grains - ?chlorite?

H1349  Sample# 1723B  US97 FeOx  1.0g  -420+200u  MAGNETICS
Mountain Pass, Ca.   costean, coarse feldspar-magnetite
Ver coarse black magnetite

H1350  Sample# 1723B  US97 FeOx  1.0g  -420+200u  NON-MAGNETICS separate - feldspar
Mountain Pass, Ca.   costean, coarse feldspar-magnetite
Ver coarse white feldspar

H1351  Sample# 1724   US97 FeOx  0.5g  -420+200u  Baryte
Mountain Pass, Ca.   costean, baryte
pink Baryte

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